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Dar al-Arqam

This book is a complete of the book An introduction to the Hanbali Madhhab paperback. Ibn Taymiyyah said about al-Imam Ahmad, “He was the virtuous imam, and the complete leader with whom Allah clarified the truth, rejected falsehoods, clarified the correc Lees meer
Op werkdagen voor 17.00 uur besteld, de volgende werkdag in huis.*.
Dar al-Arqam
An Introduction to the Hanbali Madhhab - Big Size
This book is a complete of the book An introduction to the Hanbali Madhhab paperback. Ibn Taymiyyah said about al-Imam Ahmad, “He was the virtuous imam, and the complete leader with whom Allah clarified the truth, rejected falsehoods, clarified the correc


The Shama’il of imamal-Tirmisdhi is one of the most extensive and celebrated works on the description and attributes of the Messenger of Allah. The 415 narration were carefully selected by the great muhaddithto craft a vivid depiction of the Prophet (SAW) Lees meer
Op werkdagen voor 17.00 uur besteld, de volgende werkdag in huis.*.
Dar al-Arqam
A Commentary on the Depiction of Prophet Muhammad
The Shama’il of imamal-Tirmisdhi is one of the most extensive and celebrated works on the description and attributes of the Messenger of Allah. The 415 narration were carefully selected by the great muhaddithto craft a vivid depiction of the Prophet (SAW)


This book is a translation of Marʿī b. Yusuf al-Karmī's (died 1033/1623) classical anbalī code of law, Dalīl al-Ṭālib. In 1961 George M. Baroody translated the criminal law section as part of a master's thesis. The present work focuses on the sections of Lees meer
Op werkdagen voor 17.00 uur besteld, de volgende werkdag in huis.*.
Dar al-Arqam
A Hanbali Epitome The Student's Guide
This book is a translation of Marʿī b. Yusuf al-Karmī's (died 1033/1623) classical anbalī code of law, Dalīl al-Ṭālib. In 1961 George M. Baroody translated the criminal law section as part of a master's thesis. The present work focuses on the sections of


Abu Dāwūd stated that Aḥmad said to him, “Do not make taqlīd of me, nor Mālik, al-Shāfiʿī, al-Awzāʿī or al-Thawrī; rather take from where they took.” [Masāʾil al-Imām Aḥmad (pp.276-277). Lees meer
Op werkdagen voor 17.00 uur besteld, de volgende werkdag in huis.*.
Dar al-Arqam
A critique of the Ruling of al-Taqlid
Abu Dāwūd stated that Aḥmad said to him, “Do not make taqlīd of me, nor Mālik, al-Shāfiʿī, al-Awzāʿī or al-Thawrī; rather take from where they took.” [Masāʾil al-Imām Aḥmad (pp.276-277).


Zād al-Mustaqnī’ fī Ikhtisār al-Muqni’ is the text that came to be considered as the main source for the study of the Hanbalī madhab (school of jurisprudence) and quintessential for the students in the land of the Hanābilah (i.e. the Arabian Peninsula); p Lees meer
Op werkdagen voor 17.00 uur besteld, de volgende werkdag in huis.*.
Dar al-Arqam
A Commentary on Zad al Mustaqni
Zād al-Mustaqnī’ fī Ikhtisār al-Muqni’ is the text that came to be considered as the main source for the study of the Hanbalī madhab (school of jurisprudence) and quintessential for the students in the land of the Hanābilah (i.e. the Arabian Peninsula); p


The knowledge of usul al-hadith is a science that serves the radiant Prophetic traditions; with it one can distinguish the Prophetic narrations in terms of authenticity and fabrication, soundness and weakness. Al-Imam ‘Abdullah ibn al-Mubrerak said, “The Lees meer
Op werkdagen voor 17.00 uur besteld, de volgende werkdag in huis.*.
Dar al-Arqam
A commentary on the Poem Al-Bayquniyyah
The knowledge of usul al-hadith is a science that serves the radiant Prophetic traditions; with it one can distinguish the Prophetic narrations in terms of authenticity and fabrication, soundness and weakness. Al-Imam ‘Abdullah ibn al-Mubrerak said, “The


It was reported that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) delivered a sermon in which he stated: “O people, indeed your Lord is one and your ancestor is one. Indeed, there is no superiority for the Arab over the non-Arab, nor the non-A Lees meer
Op werkdagen voor 17.00 uur besteld, de volgende werkdag in huis.*.
Dar al-Arqam
Illuminating the Darkness The Virtues of Blacks and Abyssinians
It was reported that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) delivered a sermon in which he stated: “O people, indeed your Lord is one and your ancestor is one. Indeed, there is no superiority for the Arab over the non-Arab, nor the non-A


Ibn Taymiyyah said about al-Imam Ahmad, “He was the virtuous imam, and the complete leader with whom Allah clarified the truth, rejected falsehoods, clarified the correct methodology and repudiated the innovations of innovators, the heresies of heretics, Lees meer
Op werkdagen voor 17.00 uur besteld, de volgende werkdag in huis.*.
Dar al-Arqam
An Introduction to the Hanbali Madhhab
Ibn Taymiyyah said about al-Imam Ahmad, “He was the virtuous imam, and the complete leader with whom Allah clarified the truth, rejected falsehoods, clarified the correct methodology and repudiated the innovations of innovators, the heresies of heretics,


Before you is the English translation of the classical treatise al-Rihla fi Talab al-Hadeeth by the great scholar of the Shafi’i school of jurisprudence and the imam of his time, Khateeb al-Baghdadi. His complete biography from Imam al-Dhahabi’s voluminou Lees meer
Op werkdagen voor 17.00 uur besteld, de volgende werkdag in huis.*.
Dar al-Arqam
Travelling in the Pursuit of Knowledge
Before you is the English translation of the classical treatise al-Rihla fi Talab al-Hadeeth by the great scholar of the Shafi’i school of jurisprudence and the imam of his time, Khateeb al-Baghdadi. His complete biography from Imam al-Dhahabi’s voluminou


The author al-Hafiz ibn Zabr has collected in this work a moving selection of narrations regarding the final moments of the Prophets, Companions and the scholars from amongst the early generations. Provided through this are their final testaments, words o Lees meer
Op werkdagen voor 17.00 uur besteld, de volgende werkdag in huis.*.
Dar al-Arqam
The Final Words of the Scholars at The Onset of Death
The author al-Hafiz ibn Zabr has collected in this work a moving selection of narrations regarding the final moments of the Prophets, Companions and the scholars from amongst the early generations. Provided through this are their final testaments, words o


Dar al-Arqam

Dar al-Arqam is een uitgeverij van vertalingen van hoge kwaliteit van islamitische teksten, geschreven door klassieke en hedendaagse geleerden. Ze bieden een professionele vertaaldienst voor het volgende:

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  • Bieden een gereduceerd tarief voor universitair/college-aanvraag gerelateerd werk en voor liefdadigheidsinstellingen.
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