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Maktabatulirshad Publications
When Allah, the almighty, says:
"Verily, in the remembrance of Allah do hearts find rest."
It means that it imparts restfulness and tranquility. When we think about this gracious verse and the reality of peoples hearts in this worldly life, it is really Lees meer
Maktabatulirshad Publications
Verily in the Remembrance of Allah
When Allah, the almighty, says:
"Verily, in the remembrance of Allah do hearts find rest."
It means that it imparts restfulness and tranquility. When we think about this gracious verse and the reality of peoples hearts in this worldly life, it is really
Authentic Statements
Secret Societies is a collection of writings from the scholars of Islam uncovering the secret underworld of the Freemasons, Illuminati, and Christian missionaries, exposing their conspiracy to establish a New World Order. Their affiliates are covert, thei Lees meer
Authentic Statements
Secret Societies
Secret Societies is a collection of writings from the scholars of Islam uncovering the secret underworld of the Freemasons, Illuminati, and Christian missionaries, exposing their conspiracy to establish a New World Order. Their affiliates are covert, thei
Maktabatulirshad Publications
The Dhikr of Allāh is the soul and the life of the hearts and the cause of its development and strength; and abundant rewards and immense good in this world and the next-whose count cannot be enumerated except by Allāh are a direct result of it (i.e., Dhi Lees meer
Maktabatulirshad Publications
The Benefits and Fruits of Dhikr
The Dhikr of Allāh is the soul and the life of the hearts and the cause of its development and strength; and abundant rewards and immense good in this world and the next-whose count cannot be enumerated except by Allāh are a direct result of it (i.e., Dhi
Dar as-Sunnah Publishers
Salah (prayer) is a fundamental act of worship and focal in Islam, its importance can never be over-emphasised. Muslims strive to perfect their prayer for it is indeed the first thing mankind will be questioned about by Allah on the Day of Judgment. For t Lees meer
Dar as-Sunnah Publishers
Description of the Prophet's Prayer
Salah (prayer) is a fundamental act of worship and focal in Islam, its importance can never be over-emphasised. Muslims strive to perfect their prayer for it is indeed the first thing mankind will be questioned about by Allah on the Day of Judgment. For t
Authentic Statements
One hundred treasured advices extracted from the writings of the illustrious scholar, Imām Ibn al-Qayyim (may Allāh have mercy upon him): Lees meer
Authentic Statements
One Hundred Pieces Of Advice
One hundred treasured advices extracted from the writings of the illustrious scholar, Imām Ibn al-Qayyim (may Allāh have mercy upon him):
Allah the Most High, Said, "Every soul will taste death..." [ Al-Anbiya (21): 35]

The inevitable reality of death is greater than life itself, for life is something uncertain - one
may plan for the future, yet know not whether he will live long enough Lees meer
Dar as-Sunnah Publishers
The Greatest Invocation for Forgiveness
Allah the Most High, Said, "Every soul will taste death..." [ Al-Anbiya (21): 35]

The inevitable reality of death is greater than life itself, for life is something uncertain - one
may plan for the future, yet know not whether he will live long enough
''Indeed, many people are greatly ignorant of the rulings of the prostrations of forgetfulness in the prayer. From them, there is he who abandons the prostration of forgetfulness when it is obligatory. From them, there is he who prostrates when he should Lees meer
Authentic Statements
The Prostrations of Forgetfulness
''Indeed, many people are greatly ignorant of the rulings of the prostrations of forgetfulness in the prayer. From them, there is he who abandons the prostration of forgetfulness when it is obligatory. From them, there is he who prostrates when he should
Zād al-Mustaqnī’ fī Ikhtisār al-Muqni’ is the text that came to be considered as the main source for the study of the Hanbalī madhab (school of jurisprudence) and quintessential for the students in the land of the Hanābilah (i.e. the Arabian Peninsula); p Lees meer
Dar al-Arqam
A Commentary on Zad al Mustaqni
Zād al-Mustaqnī’ fī Ikhtisār al-Muqni’ is the text that came to be considered as the main source for the study of the Hanbalī madhab (school of jurisprudence) and quintessential for the students in the land of the Hanābilah (i.e. the Arabian Peninsula); p
Dar as-Sunnah Publishers
These are some brief words about the meaning of knowledge and its classification into that which is beneficial and that which is not; as well as a note regarding the excellence of the knowledge of the Salaf over that of the Khalaf. The way and wisdom of t Lees meer
Dar as-Sunnah Publishers
The Excellence of Knowledge
These are some brief words about the meaning of knowledge and its classification into that which is beneficial and that which is not; as well as a note regarding the excellence of the knowledge of the Salaf over that of the Khalaf. The way and wisdom of t
A Selection of Supplications from the Quran & Sunnah of Prophet (SAW) collected by the Muhaddith of our Era Shaykh Muhammad Nasiruddin al-Alban. This is a pocket version and it has also a normal size book. Lees meer
Authentic Statements
Collection of Authentic Invocations - Pocket
A Selection of Supplications from the Quran & Sunnah of Prophet (SAW) collected by the Muhaddith of our Era Shaykh Muhammad Nasiruddin al-Alban. This is a pocket version and it has also a normal size book.
Dar as-Sunnah Publishers
In Islam, worship is the right of Allah, the Most High. Worship is addressed to Him alone, without association or reverence for anything or anyone else. It is the right of Allah alone that His servants perform the acts of worship prescribed by Islam. Wors Lees meer
Dar as-Sunnah Publishers
The Inner Secrets Of Worship
In Islam, worship is the right of Allah, the Most High. Worship is addressed to Him alone, without association or reverence for anything or anyone else. It is the right of Allah alone that His servants perform the acts of worship prescribed by Islam. Wors
Dar as-Sunnah Publishers
Surah al Fatiha is the greatest chapter of the Qur'an, its like is not found in the rest of the Book or in the previous scriptures. It is a Light that was granted to Prophet Muhammad (S) which had not been granted to any other Prophet or Messenger before Lees meer
Dar as-Sunnah Publishers
The Spiritual Cure
Surah al Fatiha is the greatest chapter of the Qur'an, its like is not found in the rest of the Book or in the previous scriptures. It is a Light that was granted to Prophet Muhammad (S) which had not been granted to any other Prophet or Messenger before
Authentic Statements
The praise is for Allaah; may prayers and peace be upon the Messenger of Allaah; his family and companions. To Proceed:The noble Shaykh Muhammad ibn Zayd ibn Muhammad Al-Madkhalee, may Allaah grant him success, has sent to me his treatise which he has tit Lees meer
Authentic Statements
Aiding the Khatib and Imam
The praise is for Allaah; may prayers and peace be upon the Messenger of Allaah; his family and companions. To Proceed:The noble Shaykh Muhammad ibn Zayd ibn Muhammad Al-Madkhalee, may Allaah grant him success, has sent to me his treatise which he has tit
It is obligatory upon the Muslim who is upon the airplane when the prayer comes in to pray it to the best of his ability. So if he is able to pray standing, bow, and prostrate, then he does so; and if he is not able then he prays sitting and he indicates Lees meer
Authentic Statements
Rulings related to the traveler
It is obligatory upon the Muslim who is upon the airplane when the prayer comes in to pray it to the best of his ability. So if he is able to pray standing, bow, and prostrate, then he does so; and if he is not able then he prays sitting and he indicates
Authentic Statements
And the death of our Prophet (SAW)--O beloved—is great information containing great admonitions, and noble lessons for the one who hears, understands, looks, and ponders. And that is because our Prophet (SAW) is a man who dies like all men die. Allah did Lees meer
Authentic Statements
The Death of Best of Mankind
And the death of our Prophet (SAW)--O beloved—is great information containing great admonitions, and noble lessons for the one who hears, understands, looks, and ponders. And that is because our Prophet (SAW) is a man who dies like all men die. Allah did
By way of these various means, the Qur'ān calls the people to believe in the Sunnah and act upon it, and that it, along with the Qur'ān, is [one of] the true foundations of this religion. Since belief in the Messenger ﷺ is a foundation from the foundatio Lees meer
Authentic Statements
The Position of The Sunnah in the Islamic Legislation
By way of these various means, the Qur'ān calls the people to believe in the Sunnah and act upon it, and that it, along with the Qur'ān, is [one of] the true foundations of this religion. Since belief in the Messenger ﷺ is a foundation from the foundatio
Said Imaam 'Abdul-'Azeez Ibn 'Abillah Ibn Baaz : ''Allah, the sublime and exalted, has sent down in His Grand Book many aayaat where wasting and extravagance is mentioned along with the prohibition of both, and the praise of those who adopt the middle cou Lees meer
Authentic Statements
A Warning from Wastefulness and Extravagance
Said Imaam 'Abdul-'Azeez Ibn 'Abillah Ibn Baaz : ''Allah, the sublime and exalted, has sent down in His Grand Book many aayaat where wasting and extravagance is mentioned along with the prohibition of both, and the praise of those who adopt the middle cou
Dar as-Sunnah Publishers
“Perhaps your Lord will have mercy on you if you repent, but if you return to sin, We will return to punishment...” [Al-'Isra, 8]

Whether done in open or secret, sins have consequences. Some of their repercussions on an individual or society manifest i Lees meer
Dar as-Sunnah Publishers
Perished Nations Book of Penalties
“Perhaps your Lord will have mercy on you if you repent, but if you return to sin, We will return to punishment...” [Al-'Isra, 8]

Whether done in open or secret, sins have consequences. Some of their repercussions on an individual or society manifest i
Dar as-Sunnah Publishers
Hell is the final abode prepared by Allah, the Most High for those do not believe in Him, those who transgress against His Laws and deny His Messengers. It epitomises the scourge of punishment, filled with indescribable torment, pain and grief that has be Lees meer
Dar as-Sunnah Publishers
Fleeing from the Fire
Hell is the final abode prepared by Allah, the Most High for those do not believe in Him, those who transgress against His Laws and deny His Messengers. It epitomises the scourge of punishment, filled with indescribable torment, pain and grief that has be
Verily from the beauty of Allah legislation is that justice is established, and everything is given its rights, without excessiveness or neglect. For indeed Allah has ordered that there be justice, kindness, and assisting of the relatives. Due to justice Lees meer
Authentic Statements
The innate rights according to islamic laws
Verily from the beauty of Allah legislation is that justice is established, and everything is given its rights, without excessiveness or neglect. For indeed Allah has ordered that there be justice, kindness, and assisting of the relatives. Due to justice
The scholar, Imam Muhammad Bin Abdul Wahhab (may Allah have mercy upon him said): When it is said: “What is the comprehensive worship for Allah alone”? I said: “Obeying Him by conforming to His commands and warding off things He has forbidden”. And when i Lees meer
Authentic Statements
The explanation of the Comprehensive Worship
The scholar, Imam Muhammad Bin Abdul Wahhab (may Allah have mercy upon him said): When it is said: “What is the comprehensive worship for Allah alone”? I said: “Obeying Him by conforming to His commands and warding off things He has forbidden”. And when i
The knowledge of usul al-hadith is a science that serves the radiant Prophetic traditions; with it one can distinguish the Prophetic narrations in terms of authenticity and fabrication, soundness and weakness. Al-Imam ‘Abdullah ibn al-Mubrerak said, “The Lees meer
Dar al-Arqam
A commentary on the Poem Al-Bayquniyyah
The knowledge of usul al-hadith is a science that serves the radiant Prophetic traditions; with it one can distinguish the Prophetic narrations in terms of authenticity and fabrication, soundness and weakness. Al-Imam ‘Abdullah ibn al-Mubrerak said, “The
The scholar, Imam Muhammad Bin Abdul Wahhab (may Allah have mercy upon him said): When it is said: “What is the comprehensive worship for Allah alone”? I said: “Obeying Him by conforming to His commands and warding off things He has forbidden”. And when i Lees meer
Authentic Statements
The Explanation of the Comprehensive Worship Exclusively for Allah Alone
The scholar, Imam Muhammad Bin Abdul Wahhab (may Allah have mercy upon him said): When it is said: “What is the comprehensive worship for Allah alone”? I said: “Obeying Him by conforming to His commands and warding off things He has forbidden”. And when i
Shaykh Dr. Abdullah al-Tayyar examines various medical and Sharia opinions related to infectious diseases and their effect upon marriage and reproduction, as well as genetic diseases and their effect upon fertility. It tackles important, and rarely discus Lees meer
Authentic Statements
The impact of sexually transmitted diseases upon marriage
Shaykh Dr. Abdullah al-Tayyar examines various medical and Sharia opinions related to infectious diseases and their effect upon marriage and reproduction, as well as genetic diseases and their effect upon fertility. It tackles important, and rarely discus